Market Status Survey and Development Prospects Analysis for PM


         Market Status Survey and Development Prospects Analysis Report for Powder Metallurgy 

                                                        from 2022 to 2026

powder metallurgy

Powder metallurgy is a process technology for producing metal materials, composite materials, and various types of products using metal powder (or a mixture of metal powder and non-metallic powder) as raw materials, which are formed and sintered. Powder metallurgy shares similarities with ceramics production as both fall under the category of powder sintering technologies. Consequently, a series of new powder metallurgy techniques can also be applied to the preparation of ceramic materials. Due to the advantages of powder metallurgy technology, it has become a key player in solving new material challenges and plays a pivotal role in the development of new materials.

Powder metallurgy comprises powder production and products. Powder production is primarily a metallurgical process, as the name suggests. On the other hand, powder metallurgy products often extend far beyond the realms of materials and metallurgy, frequently involving a range of disciplines such as materials science, mechanical engineering, and mechanics. Modern metal powder 3D printing, in particular, combines mechanical engineering, CAD, reverse engineering, layering manufacturing technology, CNC technology, materials science, and laser technology, making powder metallurgy product technology a comprehensive discipline that spans multiple fields.

In terms of production and sales scale, according to statistics from the China Powder Metallurgy Professional Association, data from 53 enterprises in the powder metallurgy industry in China showed that the industry achieved a production volume of 163,600 tons, representing a year-on-year growth of 39.40%, and a sales volume of 161,700 tons, representing a year-on-year growth of 43.15%. Through a continuous combination of introducing advanced foreign technology and independent development and innovation, the Chinese powder metallurgy industry and technology are both experiencing rapid growth. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors in China's general machinery and components industry, with the industry's output value increasing at a rate of 35% per year. The global manufacturing industry is accelerating its shift to China, with rapid development in industries such as the automotive sector, machinery manufacturing, metal industry, aerospace, instrumentation, hardware tools, engineering machinery, electronics and home appliances, and high-tech industries. This has brought unprecedented development opportunities and significant market space for the powder metallurgy industry.

Furthermore, China has listed the powder metallurgy industry as a priority development and encouraged foreign investment sector, indicating a promising outlook for its future growth."

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